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MOI Transactional Dashboard Glossary
This glossary has two groups: Attributes and Metrics. Each group contains categories, select any category to see the Attributes/ Metrics, and Definitions.
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Attribute | Definition |
Claim Driveable | The Claim Driveable reflects the driveable status of the vehicle at the claim level. Values include: Driveable; Non-Driveable; Unknown Driveable; Unknown. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim First Assignment Appraiser Name | Appraiser who was initially assigned to the first Estimate for a given claim. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim First Assignment MOI | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the first assignment. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim First Assignment Sent Date | The date the original or first assignment for the claim was sent from the insurance company to the appraiser. |
Claim Folder Creation Date | The date and time the claim folder was created. Claim folders are automatically created when an assignment is created or when an appraiser sends information for a claim folder. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Inspector | Numeric identifier associated to the indivisual that inspected damage for the claim to determine how much the insurance company should pay for the loss. |
Claim Latest Assignment Appraiser Name | Appraiser who was initially assigned to the latest Estimate for a given claim. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest Assignment MOI | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the latest assignment. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest Assignment Sent Date | The date the latest assignment for the claim was sent from the insurance company to the appraiser. |
Claim Latest Estimate Appraiser Name | Appraiser who locked or completed the latest Estimate for a given claim. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest Estimate Complete Date | The date the latest Estimate for the claim was sent from the insurance company to the appraiser. |
Claim Latest Estimate MOI | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the latest estimate. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest File Appraiser Name | Appraiser who locked or completed the latest file for a given claim. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest File Complete Date | The date the latest file for the claim was sent from the insurance company to the appraiser. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest File Complete MOI | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the latest file. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest File MOI | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the latest file. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Latest File Suffix Flag | Indicates that the transaction is the latest file for the claim. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Loss Category | Loss Category is the type of coverage for a particular valuation. Valid loss categories include: Collision, Comprehensive, Liability, Other, and Unknown. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Mobile Image Upload | Indicates that images were captured and uploaded using the mobile solution. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Quick Estimate Flag | Indicates that the claim was completed as Quick Estimate. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim STP Flag | A 0/1 flag noting the STP touch: 1 - Claim is "Low Touch" or "No Touch" 0 - Claim is neither "Low Touch" or "No Touch". This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Total Loss | An indicator used to identify whether a vehicle has been deemed a total loss as a result of damage, typically due to an accident, theft, or other covered event. A total loss occurs when the cost of repairs exceeds a certain threshold of the vehicle's value, as determined by insurance companies or regulatory guidelines. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Completed By Name | The Appraiser who generated the transaction for a given claim. |
Created By Name | The Appraiser who completed the transaction for a given claim. |
Driveable | An indicator used to denote whether a vehicle is considered drivable or not. It has values as Drivable, Non-Drivable or Unknown. |
Inspection State | The state of the vehicle inspection.State is derived from the zip code of the vehicle inspection location. |
Loss Category | Loss Category is the type of coverage for a particular claim. Valid loss categories include: Collison, Comprehensive, Liability, Other, Unknown. |
MOI Appraiser Type | Specifies the type of Appraiser who conducted the Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection. Values include DRP, Independent Appraiser, Open Shop, Staff Appraiser, and Unknown. |
MOI Inspection Location Type | The Inspection Location is used to indicate the type of location where the vehicle was assigned for inspection. |
MOI Inspection Type | Indicates the type or nature of the Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection performed, such as Photo, Physical, Quick Estimate etc. |
MOI Standard Group | Indicates the standardize Method how a Motor Own Damage (MOI) inspection is conducted based inspection type and location for the transaction. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Total Loss | An indicator used to identify whether a vehicle has been deemed a total loss as a result of damage, typically due to an accident, theft, or other covered event. A total loss occurs when the cost of repairs exceeds a certain threshold of the vehicle's value, as determined by insurance companies or regulatory guidelines. |
Transaction Completed By Claim Office Hierarchy (Level 1-6) | This is the Claimoffice Hierarchy ( 1- 6) from the claim office in the portal. Levels are defined in the CCC Registration system can be configured by the office location. |
Transaction Completed By Hierarchy (Level 1-7) | The management hierarchy levels (1 -7) of the Appraiser who completed the transaction. Contacts in the CCC Registration system can be configured with a manager. |
Transaction Created By Hierarchy (Level 1-7) | The management hierarchy levels (1 -7) of the Appraiser who completed the transaction. Contacts in the CCC Registration system can be configured with a manager. |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was generated for the claim. |
Transaction File Suffix | The file suffix associated to the transaction (E01, S01, S02). |
Transaction Group | Specifies whether the transaction is an Estimate, Assignment, or rAuto/Review. |
Transaction Status | Specifies the status of the transaction that on the claim. Whether the transaction was Submitted, Archived, Sent, Canceled, Approved, etc. |
Transaction Type | Specifies the type of transaction that was performed on the claim. Values include Estimate Assignment, Estimate, Supplement Assignment, Supplement, Re-inspection, Review, Adhoc Review, Auto/Workfile Approval. |
Vehicle State | The state for the vehicle owner. The state is derived from the zip code of the vehicle owner. |
Metric | Definition |
Assignment Count | Count of assignments transactions including both estimate and supplement assignments. Multiple estimate and supplement assignments can exist for one claim folder. |
Avg Claim Supplement Amount | This is the average total dollar of the PreTax Amt + Tax Amt for all claims/appraisals that are supplements (file suffix = S01 or higher). Equivalent to the Total Cost of Repairs on the print image for any non-supplement claims/appraisal. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Avg Claim TCOR Amount | This is the average dollar amount for TCOR (Estimate + Supplements) on the claim; this value will be present for all transactions since it's providing the latest amount at the claim level. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Completed as Quick Estimate Count | The number of claims that were complete as Quick Estimate. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Count | The total number of unique claims. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Images Uploaded by WGL Count | Indicates that the claim leveraged external solution provider WeGoLook (WGL) so that field inspector performed a physical inspection at the Vehicle Location capturing the vehicle damage photos. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Mobile Image Upload Count | The total number of claims that had image captured and uploaded to generate the appraisal. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim STP Count | The total number of claims that are flagged as STP (Claim STP Flag = 1). This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim Supplement Amount | This is the latest dollar amount for the supplements on the claim (this value will be present for all transactions since it's providing the latest amount at the claim level). This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claim TCOR Amount | This is the latest dollar amount for TCOR (Estimate + Supplements) on the claim; this value will be present for all transactions since it's providing the latest amount at the claim level. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claims with MOI Change | Count of claims where there were method of inspection changed. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Claims without MOI Change | Count of claim where the method of inspection doesn't change. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Estimate Assignment Count | Count of assignments transactions that are estimate assignments. Multiple estimate assignments can exist for one claim folder. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Incremental TCOR Amount | This dollar amount denotes the positive or negative change in the transaction amount for each transaction. |
Quick Estimate Assigned Count | Count of claims where QE invite was sent. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
SE Completed Without Prediction Count | Count of claims where Jumpstart was clicked and estimate completed from same appraiser, and prediction generated = N. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
SE Successfully Completed Count | Count of claims where Jumpstart was clicked and estimate completed from same appraiser, and prediction generated = Y. This attribute is at the claim level mutliple transactions for a given claim number will have the same value. |
Transaction Count | The total number of transactions generated for all groups and types. |
Transactional Amount | The dollar amount for total cost of repairs at the transaction level; this amount is present on Estimate, Supplements, Review, and Auto/Workfile Approval transactions and is NULL/blank for Assignment transactions. |